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표준 식품화학
저자 : 채수규
출판사 : 효일
출판년 : 2015
ISBN : 8985768832
Have you ever had the feeling that there was someone spying on you, watching your every move? That there was someone--or something--trying to predict the things you think, feel, and do? If so, you wouldn't be wrong! That "someone" would be the Messenger of Luci, and that messenger is working for someone who makes it his goal to adapt to every generation and interrupt our daily lives: Lucifer, himself.Within the pages of this book, you will learn the secrets of the messenger. Not only will you become more conscious of his existence, but you will learn how to stay one step ahead of him. Educate yourself about how to triumph over predictability, discover what is troubling the average American family and how to fix it, and learn what it means to harness the wind, as well as how to do it and how to profit and add more value to yourself. Other highlights of The Messenger of Luci include:?Unraveling the intrigue behind the Zodiac and commentary on why it is not necessarily healthy to spend one's time immersed in such things.?A personality assessment, as well as a detailed explanation of each result and the reasoning behind the findings.?An underlying theme that anything is possible, and that we do not need to confine ourselves to the roles that we believe we are assigned to (see Chapter Three for more).?Plenty of examples and stories to help illustrate the concepts introduced throughout the book.?An exploration of Surveillance Capitalism and the many complexities and dangers that fall underneath that umbrella, not least of which are those that lead us back to the Messenger of Luci.?Much, much more!The Messenger of Luci will send your life's journey in a new direction. Read carefully and take away new approaches to any situation you encounter--especially those that you learn to recognize might involve the messenger.
건강한 생활을 위해서는 단순한 에너지 공급만을 위한 식사행위가 아닌 영양학적으로 우수한 식품을 섭취하는 것이 무엇보다도 중요하다. 이러한 식품의 특성과 그 식품을 구성하고 있는 화학성분의 성질, 구조, 변화 등을 연구하여 보다 유효한 이용방법, 새로운 식품의 개발, 많은 자원의 식용화 등 화학적으로 연구하는 학문을 다룬 저서가 바로 이 식품화학이다.
1. 식품 중의 수분
2. 단백질
3. 단백질의 변화
4. 지방질
5. 유지의 변패
6. 탄수화물
7. 탄수화물의 변화
8. 무기질
9. 비타민
10. 식품과 효소
11. 식품의 색
12. 식품의 갈변 반응
13. 식품의 냄새
14. 식품의 맛
15. 식품 중의 독성 물질
16. 식품의 물리성
17. 식품의 기능성