

Color & Layout: From Asparagus White to Burnt Olive
Color & Layout: From Asparagus White to Burnt Olive
저자 : Nacho Mart
출판사 : Collins Design
출판년 : 2009-01-01
ISBN : 9780061537905


이 책은 컬러별로 그래픽작업들을 분류하여 각 편집물들이 컬러를 통해 나타내고자 하는바를 면밀히 소개하고 있는 책이다.

Each color is a world that posses its own language, history, politics, and laws. Some like blue are diplomatic and adept at foreign relations. Others like red or black are solitary and individualistic. The list of adjectives for describing color could go on forever.

Color & Layout is a vibrant, sensitive, and poetic journey through the universe of colors, showcasing graphic works from across the globe. This riveting collection features stunning full-color examples of designed layouts, detailing how the color spectrum is organized, expanded, and manipulated. It reveals how color evokes memories, moods, sentiments, and desires, and takes an in-depth look at the striking usage of color in propaganda, journalism, and advertising campaigns. Both beautiful and informative, Color & Layout is a must-have resource for graphic designers, artists, illustrators, and advertisers alike.
