汎友批評版 世界文學選
汎友批評版 世界文學選
- Material Type
- 동서단행본
- EWHA00013790
- Date and Time of Latest Transaction
- 20000107151655
- Callnumber
- 808.8 ㅂ413
- Title/Author
- 汎友批評版 世界文學選
- Publish Info
- 서울 : 汎友社, 1982-
- Material Info
- 冊 ; 23cm
- Added Entry-Personal Name
- 김학수
- Added Entry-Personal Name
- 도스토예프스키
- 기타서명
- : 까라마조프의 형제 (상)
- Price Info
- 7,000
- Control Number
- bwcl:13790
Detail Info.
- Reservation
- Not Exist
- My Folder