佛敎와 基督敎의 比較硏究 = (A) Comparative Study of the Founder's Authority, the Community and the Discipline in Early Buddhism and in Early Christianity
佛敎와 基督敎의 比較硏究 = (A) Comparative Study of the Founder's Authority, the Community and the Discipline in Early Buddhism and in Early Christianity
- 자료유형
- 동서단행본
- 청구기호
- 291 ㅇ433ㅂ
- 저자명
- 유재신
- 서명/저자
- 佛敎와 基督敎의 比較硏究 = (A) Comparative Study of the Founders Authority, the Community and the Discipline in Early Buddhism and in Early Christianity / 劉在信 지음
- 발행사항
- 서울 : 大韓基督敎出版社, 1994
- 형태사항
- 224p ; 23cm
- 서지주기
- 참고문헌 : pp.211-224
- 일반주제명
- 비교종교
- 가격
- 4,000
- Control Number
- bwcl:18247