(The) Complete Library of Christian Worship. . 7 : The Ministries of Christian Worship
(The) Complete Library of Christian Worship. . 7 : The Ministries of Christian Worship
- 자료유형
- 양서단행본
- 1565631935
- 언어부호
- 본문언어 - eng
- 264-22
- 청구기호
- 264 W372c
- 서명/저자
- (The) Complete Library of Christian Worship. 7 The Ministries of Christian Worship by ed. Robert E. Webber
- 발행사항
- Massachusetts : Hendrickson Publishers, Inc, 1993
- 형태사항
- 495p ; 27cm
- 서지주기
- Includes bibliographical references and index
- 기타서명
- The Ministries of Christian Worship
- 가격
- \90000
- Control Number
- bwcl:70227
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