Intensive Course in JAPANESE Elementary 1 : Dialogues and Drills PART 1
Intensive Course in JAPANESE Elementary 1 : Dialogues and Drills PART 1
- 자료유형
- 동서단행본
- 청구기호
- 413.824 J35i
- 서명/저자
- Intensive Course in JAPANESE Elementary 1 : Dialogues and Drills PART 1 / Japanese Language promotion Center 編
- 발행사항
- Tokyo : Language Services Co, Ltd, 1971
- 형태사항
- 5冊 ; 26cm
- 일반주제명
- 일본어
- 가격
- ¥2,600
- Control Number
- bwcl:7219
Info Détail de la recherche.
- Réservation
- n'existe pas
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