Two-faced : confessions of a soap star make-up artist
Two-faced : confessions of a soap star make-up artist
- 자료유형
- 양서단행본
- 1932100423
- 언어부호
- 본문언어 - eng
- 646.7-22
- 청구기호
- 646.7 A319t
- 저자명
- Alan, Timothy
- 서명/저자
- Two-faced : confessions of a soap star make-up artist / Timothy Alan
- 발행사항
- Dallas, Tex : BenBella Books, 2005
- 형태사항
- 149p : 사진 ; 21 x 26 cm
- 일반주제명
- Beauty, Personal
- 일반주제명
- Cosmetics
- 일반주제명
- Women Health and hygiene
- 일반주제명
- Television makeup
- 가격
- \31410-(기증)
- Control Number
- bwcl:75341
Buch Status
- Reservierung
- frei buchen
- Meine Mappe