카리스종합주석. . 48 : 시편 119-150편 = (The) charis bible commentary
카리스종합주석. . 48 : 시편 119-150편 = (The) charis bible commentary
- Material Type
- 동서단행본
- EWHA00086101
- Date and Time of Latest Transaction
- 20140512160913
- Language Code
- 본문언어 - kor
- 220.7-22
- Callnumber
- 220.7 ㄱ256카
- Author
- 강병도
- Title/Author
- 카리스종합주석. 48 시편 119-150편 (The) charis bible commentary 姜秉道 編
- Publish Info
- 서울 : 기독지혜사, 2012
- Material Info
- 903p ; 26cm
- 기타서명
- 시편 119-150편
- Price Info
- \50000
- Control Number
- bwcl:86101
Detail Info.
- Reservation
- Not Exist
- My Folder