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1 Desert Dreams and Techno-Utopian Nightmares
AbstractDespite being some of the harshest environments to design for and inhabit, deserts are considered most malleable in our imagin
2 Erratum
The publisher, American Accounting Association, regrets an error in “Can Management Help Aid Associations Make Tough Choices Haiti
3 Forms of culture (Culture Coverage)
This variable describes what kind of concept culture underlies the cultural coverage at a certain point time or across time. The disse
4 Forms of culture (Culture Coverage)
This variable describes what kind of concept culture underlies the cultural coverage at a certain point time or across time. The disse
5 Reviews
The Men who Ruled India (The Founders). By Philip Woodruff. London: Jonathan Cape. (8 1/2” × 5 1/2″). Pp. 402, including bibliogr
