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1 위장격소여당뇨병병발위식관반유병 (胃肠激素与糖尿病并发胃食管反流
The relationship between gastrointestinal hormone and diabetes complicated with GERD 糖尿病并发胃食管反流病(GERD)确切的
2 위장격소여당뇨병결장공능문난 (胃肠激素与糖尿病结肠功能紊乱)
Roles of gastrointestinal hormone in functional disorder of colon in diabetes 糖尿病结肠功能紊乱是糖尿病常见的慢性并
3 금기강탕편개선2형당뇨병이도소저항적연구 (金芪降糖片改善2型糖尿病
Study of Jinqi Melbine on Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 目的:探讨金芪降糖片改善2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗
4 당뇨병결장동력장애여궤종위장격소변화적의의 (糖尿病结肠动力障碍与
Research on neuroendocrine peptides and gastrointestinal dysmotility in diabetes mellitus 目的研究糖尿病大鼠模型离体近端
5 전열선체자여량성전열선증생노년환자당뇨병지간적관계연구 (前列腺体
Correlation of prostate volume with diabetes in elderly patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia 目的 探讨前列腺体积(PV)与
6 억제GSK-3β활성대당뇨병대서칠불미후처리심기보호작용적영향 (抑制GSK-3
Effect of inhibition of GSK-3β activity on sevoflurane postconditioning-induced cardioprotection in diabetic rats 目的探讨抑制
7 이도소치료대당뇨병대서학습기억공능장애급대뇌피층액협화해마신경태
Effects of insulin therapy on alterations of learning and memory functions and concentrations of somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal
8 만기당기화종산물수체Gly82Ser다태성여2형당뇨병상관성적연구 (晚期糖基
Association of Gly82Ser polymorphism of receptor for advanced glycation end products gene in a type 2 diabetic Chinese population 目
9 2형당뇨병환자생물심리인소적연구 (2型糖尿病患者生物心理因素的研究)
A study of psychosocial and biological mediate mechanism in type 2 diabetes mellitus 目的探讨2型糖尿病患者有关的生物心
