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1 렙토쿼크의 맛깔 구조에 대한 현상론과 암흑 물질 물리학
Phenominological[i.e. Phenomenological] constraints on the flavor structure of leptoquark and dark matter physics Title Page Contents
2 地黃節子對老年癡保模型大鼠 HSP, SS 表達的影響 : STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF THE HSP
노년성치매란 일종의 진행성신경의 퇴행성 병변인데 노인들의 건강을 심각히 위해하고 있다. 중국
3 Study on the Temperature dependencies of the Random Telegraph Noise and the Fowler Nordheim Stre
기술의 발달로 양자 컴퓨팅은 실험 물리학 연구를 통해 아이디어 단계를 넘어 현실화되고 있습니다.
4 Solid State Neutral Particle Analyzer Array on NSTX
5 Reconciliation of Measured and TRANSP-calculated Neutron Emission Rates in the National Spherica
6 Prompt Loss of Energetic Ions during Early Neutral Beam Injection in the National Spherical Toru
7 Internal Kink Mode Dynamics in High-beta NSTX Plasmas
8 Internal Kink Mode Dynamics in High-β NSTX Plasmas
9 Modeling of Low Frequency MHD Induced Beam Ion Transport In NSTX
10 Neutral Particle Analyzer Diagnostic on NSTX
